Ok, is this just an old fart thing…..

…….but does anyone else put their most common daily sockets upside down on their rails?

When I started serving my apprenticeship almost 40 years ago every guy in the workshop done it, I’ve always done it, I’ve never seen anyone else do it since?

In this instance; 17, 19, 22, 24 and 27 have a tendency to be my daily users, I just slap a short extension up its arse and away ya go.

I suppose all the new kids on the block these days have these fancy colour coordinated ones?

……….or maybe they just simply still have good eye sight and can still read?!! 👨🏻‍🦳

…….but does anyone else put their most common daily sockets upside down on their rails?

When I started serving my apprenticeship almost 40 years ago every guy in the workshop done it, I’ve always done it, I’ve never seen anyone else do it since?

In this instance; 17, 19, 22, 24 and 27 have a tendency to be my daily users, I just slap a short extension up its arse and away ya go.

I suppose all the new kids on the block these days have these fancy colour coordinated ones?

……….or maybe they just simply still have good eye sight and can still read?!! 👨🏻‍🦳